Tasks Management Software hasan@tuscan-me.com April 14, 2023

Workplus Tasks
Streamline Task Management and Boost Productivity

Managing tasks effectively is crucial to meet deadlines, increase productivity and ensure accountability. Workplus Tasks is the perfect solution to streamline task management in your organization. With Workplus Tasks, employees can easily assign tasks to each other, set due dates, monitor progress and completion, comment on tasks, and view the history of tasks.


Task Assignment

Assign tasks to one or more employees with ease and keep track of who is responsible for completing each task.

Task Progress

Monitor task progress and receive updates on tasks in real-time, ensuring that tasks are completed on time.

Automated Onboarding & Offboarding Tasks

Automate the onboarding and offboarding tasks for new hires and departing employees, and trigger tasks at specific durations for specific people or teams.

Commenting & Collaboration

Collaborate and communicate effectively with team members by commenting on tasks, sharing files and links, and updating task statuses.

Task History

Keep a detailed record of all tasks assigned and completed, and review the history of tasks to identify areas for improvement.

Mobile App

Access Workplus Tasks from anywhere with the mobile app, allowing you to stay connected and manage tasks on-the-go.
With Workplus Tasks, you can streamline your task management processes, automate repetitive tasks, and improve team collaboration and productivity. Say goodbye to missed deadlines and incomplete tasks, and start achieving your goals with Workplus Tasks.
Get started with Workplus Tasks today and experience the benefits of a streamlined task management system!

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