What is Work Behaviour?
The actions, conduct, and performance of employees in the workplace are referred to as Work Behaviour. It incorporates the manner in which people act, communicate, and complete their errands inside the hierarchical setting. An employee’s approach to work as well as their interactions with co-workers, supervisors, and customers are all influenced by work behavior, which includes both observable actions and internal cognitive processes.
Work behavior can be categorized into various dimensions. Some common dimensions include task performance, which refers to the extent to which employees meet job-related goals and expectations; organizational citizenship behavior, which involves voluntary actions that benefit the organization beyond formal job requirements; counterproductive work behavior, which encompasses actions that harm the organization or its members; and adaptive behavior, which refers to an employee’s ability to adjust and cope with changes in the work environment.
Employee performance and organizational effectiveness are heavily influenced by work behavior. A productive work environment, teamwork, and punctuality are all helped by positive work behavior like showing up on time, cooperating, being proactive, and having good communication skills. Negative work behaviors, on the other hand, such as tardiness, conflict, poor performance, and absenteeism, can have a negative impact on both individual and organizational outcomes. Policies, codes of conduct, and performance management systems are frequently implemented by businesses in order to address and manage undesirable behaviors at work while simultaneously encouraging and reinforcing desirable work behaviors.