Resignation August 10, 2023


In human resources, the term “resignation” refers to an employee’s voluntary decision to leave a company. The pursuit of a new career opportunity, returning to school, or personal reasons are all examples of reasons that can lead to resignation. Resignation is typically a formal process in which the worker must give written notice to their employer at least two weeks in advance.
At the point when an employee leaves, HR really should conduct a post employment survey. This is a potential chance to accumulate input from the departing worker about their purposes behind leaving, their general experience working for the organization, and any ideas for development. The company’s recruitment, retention, and employee engagement strategies can all benefit from the information gathered during the exit interview.
In an effort to keep a departing employee, an employer might decide to make a counteroffer. This could mean changing the duties of the job or offering a higher salary, more benefits, or both. While a counteroffer may help an employee stay with the company in the short term, it’s important to think about the long term. A counteroffer may not address the underlying reasons for an employee’s departure if they have already decided to quit, resulting in a disengaged or unhappy employee.

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