Electronic Signature
Electronic Signature refers to a digital representation of a person’s handwritten signature or a symbol, sound, or process that is used to authenticate electronic documents, transactions, or communications. It serves as a legally binding equivalent to a traditional handwritten signature and provides assurance of the authenticity and integrity of the electronic content.
Electronic signatures are commonly used in various business and legal transactions, including contracts, agreements, consent forms, and other official documents. They offer several advantages over traditional signatures, such as convenience, efficiency, and enhanced security. With electronic signatures, individuals can sign documents electronically without the need for printing, scanning, or physically mailing them, saving time and resources.
To create an electronic signature, individuals typically use digital signature software or online platforms that provide tools for capturing their signature or creating a unique electronic representation. These platforms often incorporate encryption technology and authentication measures to ensure the security and integrity of the signature. Once applied, an electronic signature binds the signer to the content of the document or transaction and provides evidence of their intent and agreement.
In summary, an electronic signature is a digital representation of a person’s signature, or a unique symbol, sound, or process used to authenticate electronic documents or transactions. It serves as a legally binding equivalent to a traditional handwritten signature and offers convenience, efficiency, and enhanced security. Electronic signatures are widely used in various business and legal transactions, eliminating the need for physical signatures, and providing assurance of authenticity and integrity. They are created using digital signature software or online platforms and often incorporate encryption and authentication measures to ensure their security.