Bradford Formula June 21, 2023

Bradford Formula

Human resources professionals use a mathematical formula called the Bradford Formula to measure workplace absenteeism. It is named after its engineer, John Bradford. Based on the number and duration of each employee’s absences over a predetermined time, the formula assigns each employee a score. After that, the score is used to find employees who are absent a lot and to help managers take the right steps to reduce absenteeism.

The Bradford Formula calculates each employee’s score using a weighted system. A score is given to each absence based on how long it was and how many there were. The weightings used are frequently based on industry standards, and the formula is typically calculated over a rolling 12-month period. Managers can use the score to identify employees who may require additional counselling or support or to address any underlying issues that may be contributing to their absenteeism once it has been calculated.

The Bradford Formula is a useful tool for managing employee absenteeism, but it should be used in conjunction with other strategies to address the underlying causes of absenteeism, such as counselling and support programs. Additionally, it is essential to keep in mind that the HR manager’s Bradford Formula is only one tool in their arsenal and should not serve as the sole foundation for making decisions regarding employee attendance or performance.

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